Majestic magical horses dwell the briar hill hospital. The chronicles of narnia meets the secret garden in this enchanting and deeply felt story of friendship hope and courage. The recent general election may have not panned out the way i would have hoped but there was some good news.
deep depressing sad drawings

California proposition 60 which i covered in this post did not get passedit doesnt balance out the bigger picture but hey ill take what i can get.
Deep depressing sad drawings. The secret horses of briar hill is everything a middle grade novel should be. 3 pages in this comic already feels like the author caved to peer pressure and will back pedal out of it. Take away the decent art and this is the kind of amateur shit that gets 2 comments on rule34. Do you need a little extra help with trying to find a song singer or band.
Kids and beginners alike can now draw a a crying girl. Theres too much going on for a comic with almost no character in it. Sometimes it can be hard to find a song title based on just a few words or by the melody. You may even know most of the words to a song but still cant figure out the title because the title continue reading find a song.
First off its trying to tackle a plethora of different themes and fetishes despite being 4 pages long so the pacing in it is abysmal. In 1952 when i was born there were approximately 26 billion people on earth. And there are others that have a shocking and sadness level that is so deep it is hard to quantify. There are now 77 billion a more than threefold increase in my lifetimeour use rate of resources would allow for our planet to sustainably host only about one billion peopleas william catton explained in his 1980 book overshoot we are in carrying capacity deficit.
The prequel was an interesting statement. The more we learn about footballs effects on people the harder and harder it remains to tune in each week without feeling guilty. There are some deaths that are shocking and make one sad. Last part going up on friday.
There are winged horses that live in the mirrors of briar hill hospital. Learn to draw a sad girl crying. This step by step tutorial makes it easy.